You could make this much simpler by hosting the web site externally such as in Amazon AWS or Azure. It's quite cheap. Also if the web site gets compromised at least they are not on the inside of your network. Low cost, low complexity and good security - a winning trifecta.
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In sonicwalls, there's an identifying string internal to the sonicwall firewall that's used in site-to-site vpns. In the VPN Settings, it would be "Unique Firewall Identifier".
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A few questions: I know you said DNS is working but I just throwing out ideas. 1. Where is your DNS server living? Does each location have its own DNS and is everything replicating or do you just have one central server? 2. Where is DHCP Running? Server or MX .... if on MX do you have DNS pointed to the proper Server? 3. How does your Route Table look on your MX... all the routes up?
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Yes, it is straightforward, but It assumes the meraki has a non-nat IP address. My MX would be behind a nat device (the comcast router) so that won't work, unless the bridge mode on the comcast router gives me a non-nat ip
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