How are you trying to access the drive? By fully qualified domain name, WINS (please no), IP address? What kind of VPN credential are you using? If Meraki cloud credential, then Windows automatically tries to use that credential to authenticate to the remote server. Assuming you created this as a single user connection, instead of in the Public phonebook, there's a simple fix. Use PowerShell on the user's computer while logged in as her: # Set RASPhone.pbk so that the Windows credential is used to authenticate to servers.
# Important when you use Meraki cloud credentials.
$PbkPath = Join-Path $env:APPDATA 'Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.Pbk'
(Get-Content -path $PbkPath -Raw) -Replace 'UseRasCredentials=1','UseRasCredentials=0' | Set-Content -pat $PbkPath Otherwise change $PbkPath to the exact file path for her appdata, instead of using 'Join-Path $env:APPDATA' to append the environmental variable. If it is Public, change it to $env:PROGRAMDATA. 🙂
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