DELIMA! I currently have two MX250s, connected HA. We have a Gig Comcast fiber connection with 6 IPs, however, Comcast failed to mention that they will charge us double if they enable another port on their device for us to use as a secondary connection. The idea was to connect the Secondary MX WAN1 to a secondary port on the Comcast modem for the failover connection, buuut, since we do not want to be charged for 2 separate circuits (although it’s just one circuit), we cannot use those additional IPs as intended. FYI: We have the Primary MX connected via VPN to the Azure cloud. I know we can use a switch between the Firewall and Comcast modem; however, I really do not want to install a single point of failure to our WAN connection - which negates the entire reason for the failover links (and redundant firewalls) to begin with. To install one switch, we would need yet another switch, then that switch would need a secondary connection for redundancy, which takes us back to the drawing board. So, if the Primary MX goes down, we will have to physically move the connection from the Primary MX WAN1 port to the Secondary MX WAN1 Port... This seems far easier than connecting more devices. I really would like for this to all be automated, but just looks like it may be better to do this manually. HOWEVER, I do not know if configuring WAN1 on the Secondary MX with the exact same IP as the Primary MX will be an issue. Keep in mind that we have a VPN connection to the Azure Cloud which sees the one IP from the Primary MX so this mirror configuration would be beneficial... So, in theory: If the Primary MX goes down, one of our men on site can move the WAN cable from the Primary MX WAN1 port to the Secondary MX WAN1 port that has a mirror configuration, and the connection along with the VPN connection should come back up... Thoughts????
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