Have a client who wants to continue using their ASA 5516, but purchased a MX85 as their router for their new Comcast Circuit. They have multiple static Public IPs for their on-prem servers. The Gateway and Public IP is set correctly in the MX85 and we got connectivity... I set a Single LAN of their usable Public IP Block 50.x.x.x /29, set the MX IP 50.x.x.254. They assigned their ASA 5516 one of the usable Public IPs 50.x.x.253. We can get traffic from inside the network, however, cannot get to the public IPs from outside the network. It slipped my mind to set the 1:1 NATs, so I had to change the routing configurations for Single VLAN to Multiple VLANs and add their local lan IP block 192.x.x.x /24. Their LAN gateway is 192.x.x.1 - I did not know how it would affect the routing if I added that same gateway IP for the MX IP in the VLAN configurations, so I just added 192.x.x.254… Because they are not using the MX 85 for DHCP, I did not enable it, however, it now allows me to successfully add the 1:1 NATs using the Public and Local IPs for the servers. I have not tested this yet - I won't be working on this until tomorrow. I would like to know if anyone has had this setup before and if so, were you able to setup the configuration so that you could ping directly through to the Public IPs. ++++++ A quick overview of my settings: MX85 WAN 1 Gateway: 50.x.x.x (Comcast Gateway IP) Public: 50.x.x.x (Comcast Assigned Router Public IP) Subnet: (Comcast Assigned Subnet) MX85 VLANS 1 - 50.x.x.x /29, MX IP: 50.x.x.254 (Comcast Assigned IP Block) 2 - 192.x.x.x /24 (Company's Internal IP Block) Note: Uplink Trunk Port to Firewall is set to allow All VLANS MX 85 Forwarding Rules (Just Added) 1:1 NAT to Mail Server Public IP: 50.x.x.x LAN IP: 192.x.x.x Protocol TCP, ICMP ping Ports xx Remote IPs Any 1:1 NAT to "Other" Server (Just Added) Public IP: 50.x.x.x LAN IP: 192.x.x.x Protocol TCP, ICMP ping Ports xx Remote IPs Any MX85 DHCP: NOT CONFIGURED ASA 5516 Public IP: 50.x.x.253 Gateway IP: 50.x.x.254 ++++++ FYI: We are unable to add IP4 inbound firewall rules. The IT Team managing the firewall could not remote in on port 22...We had to create a port forward to the 50.x.x.253 and they had to use the MX85 Public IP to get in, however still cannot ping through to the IP.
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