Is it possible you have a problem with step 6 or 7: Logic Flow Client connects to AP AP redirects client to splash server Splash page displays content and includes additional parameters in the URL Client interacts with the site (form, oAuth, SMS, etc.) Form submission sends user name and password to Meraki in post body Meraki sends the user credentials to the configured RADIUS or Meraki Authentication server in post body Meraki grants the login and redirects the client to the success_url The success_url is a route on the splash server that will store the logout_url paramater The client is logged in and will see a final splash page which optionally present a logout button using the supplied logout_url parameter The user can optionally press a logout button using the logout_url to end their session. If a continue_url is provided in the query, it will send the client to this page. Are you using Meraki or RADIUS auth? Do you have any logs in either?
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