[Submissions closed] Happy New Year! What are your Network Resolutions?

Community Manager

Photo credit: @rickrPhoto credit: @rickrLast year, in our 2018 Network Resolutions contest, this community aspired to install new gear, clean up crazy cables (see photo), get Meraki certified, and even to learn the Meraki API by creating an automated cat door. I know that the cat door project, at least, was completed! (here's the code).


Now it's a new year and time for new resolutions. 


Tell us your 2019 New Year’s Network Resolutions. Three lucky winners will receive some fun Meraki swag!


How to enter

Tell us your Network Resolutions in a comment on this blog post before 12:00pm PST on Thursday (January 10).


How to win

We'll select three entries at random to win a Meraki umbrella — it's a nifty two-layer inverted model, perfect for windy days. (UPDATE: The contest is closed, and the winners have been announced!)


Meraki umbrella - foldedMeraki umbrella - folded

Meraki umbrella - unfoldedMeraki umbrella - unfolded


Good Luck! 🎉  🎇  🎆  🌟




The Fine Print

  • Limit one entry per community member 
  • Submission period: Monday, January 7, 2019 at 4pm PST through Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 12:00 PST
  • Complete rules and eligibility can be found here.
Kind of a big deal

Here's a checklist:

  • Make more time for the Meraki community.
  • Do something Meraki API related in combination with Google assistant.
  • Try to win an MV somehow.
  • Finally find time to go snowboarding again.
  • See all three Matrix movies again.
Comes here often

Learn programming somehow to make use of the Dashboard API to make my life easier ... 😉

Here to help

I do not usually hold with new years resolutions - I am more a fan of "if you want to change something, change it - instead of waiting for some arbitrary date to do it..."


But here goes:


  • Finish the eternity projects (or terminate them if not possible to finish)
  • Do the documentation - even if it sucks...
  • Merakify the last remaining switches in the warehouse 

Bar the last paragraph I think this list applies to many out there... 😉


Here's my starting list - subject to change at any time - usually about a week after starting.


  • Find the time to finish my Meraki and Cisco training.
  • Get the cat repaired (he has a tumor), perhaps sell a kidney to pay for the treatment.
  • Take up a sport, something that doesn't require energy.
  • Spend less time on the computer.
Here to help

My aims are:


  • Remove all redundant cabling after migrating from Cisco Catalyst to Meraki switching infrastructure
  • Learn Meraki API to speed up and simplify network changes
  • Begin writing a business case for switching to Meraki Wireless solution to keep everything in 1 management console
Here to help



Here are my new years resolutions:

1. Take over the world with Meraki, no in fact standardise and refresh our network stack with Meraki.

2. Learn more about Meraki insights.

3. I would love to get an MV for free to test as we have CCTV but a more basic solution.

4. Move our infrastructure to Azure.

5. Replace our telephony.

6. Do more You tube videos..!

7. Introduce flexible working.


That will do for starter for 10.


Comes here often

I want to get 10 more remote users onto Teleworker Gateways (Z3s).


I need to move away from troubleshooting VPN software issues that are caused by operating systems and NIC drivers. 


I'm working as an external engineer and I've got a really interessting project starting right now.


  • Site Survey on 8 buildings and place about 200 MRs
    • Smart Guest Portal with SMS authentication
    • DOT1X Authentication for trusted devices
  • Multiple switch replacement and rewiring all racks
  • MX Firewalls for the 8 buildings with Auto-VPN to get rid of a very expensive MPLS


Kind of a big deal
  • Visit Meraki HQ
  • Meet the awesome crew
  • Gain more Meraki knowledge
  • Travel to visit more countries
  • Spend more time in Meraki community
  • Try to obtain Meraki certifications that arrive

1. try to win this Meraki Umbrella

2. try out the MV cameras

3. play around with Meraki Insight

4. deploy more SD-WAN MXs

5. implement dot1x on Meraki MS


Network Resolution

Finally take the training and get Meraki Certification!


My 2019 New Year’s Network Resolutions are:


  • Selling/installing larger full stack clients projets including cameras
  • Leveraging existing Meraki clients to refer clients and potential projects
  • Demonstrate how easy network problems can be identified and resolved using Meraki Dashboard
Here to help
  • Tweak our WiFi settings so that our MRs will perform even better!
  • Integrate Umbrella with Meraki so that our wireless clients are protected too
  • Study for the CCNA
  • Pie in the sky: get our outside agents across the state on the Meraki train!
A model citizen

Here are a few of my goals for this year. I like to approach things the Meraki way and keep things simple.


  • Last year I created and tested a new network template for my retail stores prior to the holidays. So this year I'll be combining separate networks into combined networks and moving them to a new template using the API and Python. My goal is to get the ~1500 locations done by the end of January.
  • Become a solid member of the Meraki Community and provide more insight into questions or problems other members have and take that as an opportunity broaden my networking knowledge. 
  • To create a better work/life balance I have a goal to go to the gym 5 times a week and get in better physical condition.
  • Take my wife on more camping trips this summer to enjoy the great out doors and put myself in a position to use the Meraki iOS app.
Comes here often


 - Buy and Install new storage

 - Update a few branches to new switches

 - Get security certified.

 - finish swapping out windows 7 desktops with windows 10 encrypted.



 - Work on another Cert (Network / Server)

 - Watch Marvel movies at Theater

 - Print off and test new 3d printer filament (Brass / Carbon Fiber)

 - Workout

 - Eat better 

 - Finish 2 tattoos. 




Network Resolution


Finally take the training and get Meraki CMNO Certification!

Building a reputation




  • Get comfortable with Ekahau ESS
  • Complete the predictive and active Mapping of each site (20 total) 
  • Upgrade the existing WLAN with new Meraki MR42's
  • Flip on Advanced licensing so the Firewalls can take over for the Barracuda
  • Get new switches for Home Office
  • Install the New Routers
  • Look at RIP and Replace for the phone system
  • Take care of everything that comes up in and often outside my department
  • Beg for an intern or recent grad because writting this post has used all the free time I would have had in the next 12 hrs
Kind of a big deal
  • Blame my G/F for me gaining more weight than I wanted
    • Lose the weight
  • Not get angry at my cat every single time he meows
    • Hold him close and never let him go
  • Renew my CCNP-W
  • Get the CCNP-R/S
  • Have another successful wireless deployment of my 5th million square foot warehouse build (MR74 this time yay!)
  • Learn Python so that I can actually use it for work related tasks like instantly and quickly configuring hundreds of ports on cisco switches the same way by using CDP/LLDP data
  • Track down and hunt a Meraki gnome in the wild
Just browsing

Here goes nothing.............

  1. Deploy some more Meraki AP's to fill in some dead spots in some of our buildings.
  2. Install some new cameras at our remote campus and work on replacing some old Axis cams with Meraki.
  3. Stay after my goal of IDF cleanup and organization
  4. Document !!
Kind of a big deal

 I'm with @NPBN's philosophy on New Year's resolutions... But goals for this year for me would be:


  • Convince Meraki to enroll me in the Masters program.
  • Convince my company to send me to Cisco Live again this year.
  • Continue to build my Python proficiency.
  • Figure out what else I want to do with my career next.
Comes here often



  • Migrate all switching hardware from Extreme Networks to Meraki
  • Migrate all wireless hardware from Aerohive Networks to Meraki
Getting noticed
  • Complete my initial Cisco/Meraki Express certifications
  • Get my Z3C Teleworker set up at home, replacing the tired SonicWALL TZ100 we've had for years
  • Use that to justify increasing our home cable connection bandwidth, since the gateway will be able to handle it
  • Stream ALL THE THINGS!
  • Update the non-Meraki site tunnel to work (different organizations...  Smiley Frustrated  work can't have my Z3C!   Smiley Very Happy  )
  • Update Python to current on the home Alphastation DS10  (running OpenVMS) and work's OpenVMS Integrity servers
  • Use said Python to see if I can get the Dashboard API to work via this unlikely, but endlessly awesome platform.
  • If it works, set up our work VMSCluster to do the Meraki monitoring so we're not depending on some silly PC  (monitoring platform should be as or more reliable than the objects being monitored)   (*)


(*) subject to available period of time when silly PCs don't break down for long enough to allow said work to occur... this is rare.


Getting noticed

Apparently my goal this year is to move ALL our servers up to Azure, because the cloud makes all worries go away and will instantly solve all of our problems (according to upper management).

My resolution is to be prepared to fix issues that arise and swiftly pass the blame on to those above me in non-IT roles when things don't work out.


Luckily all our sites are set up with MX-84 HA pairs, we jumped on the SD-[b]WAN[dwagon] a couple years back and the vMX is functioning already in Azure, so we have a solid base.

Meraki Employee

2019 Network Resolutions


- Create cleaner lab setups when providing trainings 

- Review network fundamentals (CCNA, CCNP)

- Continue studying Meraki networking technology 

Getting noticed
  1. Integrate Active Directory for our new shiny domain
  2. Train interested users to assist in certain house keeping (one person shop here)
  3. Accumulate as much Meraki swag as possible while spreading the good gospel of the Meraki Solution
  4. Shamelessly plug the below picture from a bar in VarnaMeraki Bar.jpg
  1. Become a Certified Meraki Networking Associate
  2. See #1.
Comes here often

I have a few small projects coming up, but beyond that lets be honest, with Meraki alerting enabled there's no need to babysit the network. I guess that leaves me with one real resolution - Sit back, relax, and put on some Meraki swag!


meraki socks.jpg

New here

I aim to get my CCNA

Just browsing

to become a platinum reseller for Meraki

to become cissp certified

to get cisco cyber secirity certified


Getting noticed

gotta visit the Meraki Headquarters!  Also add flash to storage...

Here to help

Do all the projects on the table and get burned out by July. I will take my umbrella now, thanks.

New here

My New Years' resolutions are to:


- Actually play a round of golf this year

- Replace my MX60 with something faster

- Attend Meraki Bootcamp


Getting noticed

I'm not a programmer, nor a web engineer, I am a die hard network engineer. In 2019 I want to deploy and manage my clients via API.  I've already started working with, and teaching myself postman, using get API calls to pull information, and put changes.  I've been all over create.meraki.io, and developer.cisco.com.  I want to soon put these disparate API skills I learned into a full deployment and management set, this will literally reduce my costs for client deployments, and increase revenue on each deployment project.  This will also help this dinosaur of a network engineer to freshen my skill set and capabilities.



Comes here often

Network Segmentation



Obviously with MERAKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My New year resolution includes:


Leveraging Meraki Training and tools for more in depth knowledge of Meraki.


Get my MBA with emphasis in Security.


Get my CISSP certification.


Here to help

 1. When we moved into our new building this past year the data/cabling vendor just mounted our Meraki APs willy nilly and some of them are in less than desirable spots (photos for reference). Some of them are mounted into our concrete ceilings. A project this year for me will be to go around and relocate those APs to areas where they achieve better signal propagation. It won't be easy because I have to deal with the concrete but, I'm confident I can do it 🙂


2. Become a CWNA


3. Dig in more on RF characteristics and math to make troubleshooting wireless networks easier (hopefully)







Here to help

Well, since we cleaned up the switch racks for the last two years of resolutions while Merakifying our network:ES Main Before.jpg

ES Main After.jpg


I am resolving to:

1. Complete the Merakification of our switching infrastructure

2. Explore wireless outdoors MV solutions to tough security situations

3. Get better firewall redundancy since it is so easy

4. Better understand System Manager capabilities


Comes here often

2019 New Year’s Meraki Network Resolutions


  • Create a few more wish list items in the Meraki portal (someday I will come up with something good).
  • Talk more peers into using Meraki in office scenarios (maybe Meraki will start a referral program that will help me do this more).
  • Test and try stacking switches. (haven't tried but have not had a need to yet)
  • Wear the Meraki socks that a friend gave me for Christmas.
Kind of a big deal

- doing the CMNO tomorrow

- as we have about 300 MR in stock, get them into our retail stores 

- swap the last Cisco routers with Merakis

- doing documentation’s 😓 😞

- get more sleep

- earn more money 😛


Update: Passed CMNO, can recommend it to everybody. Learned something.

Kind of a big deal

My goals:

  1. Get better at writing Pythonic scripts for Dashboard API.
  2. Explore Ansible for API use for my coworkers who don't want to program but do want to automate.
  3. Knock out a CCNA Wireless.
  4. Start working on CCNP Security. I don't know who I am if I'm not studying, what can I say?
Here to help


store template.jpgMy goal is to begin using the templating feature.  My plan is to complete building the template and then travel to all of my branches, make the physical changes to the firewalls, deploy the template and then sit back and enjoy how easy it will be to make network and security policy changes to all of my locations. 


Simple Network Goal,


Replace a local retail store switch to a new MS350 and add devices to the Dashboard and watch the topology form .

Learn more on the Meraki SD LAN architecture..

Not applicable

Study for my CCNA, and also learn more about Meraki products! 🙂

Here to help

We have ~160 sites that are full stack Meraki implementations.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to roll out using templates early on because of some limitation on specifying IP schema and other issues.  Because of this, we have to clone and existing site and modify.  This give us little centralized control for mass deploying changes (especially firewall rules)

This year I hope to migrate to templates for MX appliances.


The goal are to get CMNA certified,

And win a Meraki gnome this year 😉

Getting noticed

My Meraki new year resolution - I will not sell or recommend Meraki MX until following features are implemented by Meraki;

  • Non Meraki peer S2S VPN - NAT Traversal, choose WAN uplink IP,  disable/enable a VPN tunnel
  • Firewall rules - create and select object hosts
  • NAT - source NAT/outbound NAT available
Getting noticed

So far it's

1} Start deployment of Meraki switches at other branches (all have an MX w/MRs or a Z1) for more in depth management.

2) Try to test out an MV if possible as we need cameras.

3) Use the newly deployed MS's to connect up our new Cisco WebEx Teams phones (two part project - deploy PoE switches and then the PoE phones!).

4) Somewhere fit in more time for the community here.

Getting noticed

My Meraki new year goal:

1. setup some Meraki combined networks for the customers

2. Try MX SD-WAN solution

3. Try to become Meraki expert

4. persuade more customers to migrate from catalyst network to meraki


The goal this year is to get the Meraki360 Certification !

Just browsing

1. Consolidate 4 separate MDF's inside 5 million+ square foot of caves into single single MDF with 2 MX250's and install/tie-in fiber using MS410.

2. Wireless survey and deployments to our existing 30+ warehouses 

3. Integrate and roll out AD

4. Deploy vMX 

5. Setup and launch 10+ more sites this year

6. Take an actual lunch at least once a week

7. Vacation, time permittingCaves.jpg


I wish I would have posted something last year, because 2018 was the year to rip and replace all the things!  We did a full stack replacement in the fall/early winter after months of planning.


For 2019, I'd like to...

  • Understand WiFi spectrum better for a more efficient wireless network (specifically 5 GHz)
  • Learn the API so I can adjust network settings automatically when failing over from 10Gb primary link to 25Mb satellite.
  • Pull fiber to 2 remaining buildings still on a wireless backhaul
  • Decommission remaining Windows 7 machines (which are easy to hunt down in the dashboard)
  • Get back to using my camera gear more often

Hello ,


Already pass the CCNA Wireless
soon become CCIE Wireless certified
Try to become Meraki expert

Here to help

Happy New Year All.


This year started with Meraki Deployment, I have done a Meraki Project for one of our child company in India, Replaced Firewall, Routers and Switches with MX & MS. We are really happy that now its became completely Meraki Workshop in India as well.




2019 will be the year to rip out a lot of old wireless infrastructure and replace with Meraki.  Expect to replace gear at around 20 or more branch offices.


2019 goals:

  1. refresh my CCMA
  2. unpack my Meraki hardware and utilize it in my home network (recently moved)
  3. implement security into my home network
    1. not only with my Security Appliance but implement a home security system
  4. continue to recommend Meraki hardware to clients
  5. continue to improve my knowledge of all Meraki hardware


Community Manager

The contest is now closed — thanks to everyone for the fun and inspiring responses. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner!

Community Manager

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! Here's the announcement.

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