Hi everyone, Quick question/remark: I'm a full admin of several organizations so I should see all users in every network in those organizations. In the following Meraki document: https://documentation.meraki.com/MR/Encryption_and_Authentication/Meraki_Cloud_Hosted_Authentication It clearly states that: User accounts configured in the Meraki-hosted authentication server are global to the networks in the organization. So, a password change to a user account in one network applies to other networks in which the user account may be used. When I add an SSID in one network with Open/WPA2-PSK and then login through splash page and do the same for another network, I see the users and can authorize them for each network. However when I use WPA2-Enterprise on the SSID on the second network, the Users list is empty. Is there a logic reason why dot1x users are probably in a separate database? Wouldn't it be better if there was one list of Users for the entire organization and also could be authorized for all the SSID's of the same name in every network? I know you usually use AD for that, but this company doesn't work with AD at this time.
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