Hello Everyone
as I am dealing first time with fiber optic, I am having some Issue, I have one switch in MDF (2nd floor) C9300 and second switch MS225 on IDF (Ground floor) my cable guy ran fiber optic cable but when I connect fiber patch cable to switches then fiber ports are not coming up, we used Multimode fiber cable 6 Strawn,
I already verified that C9300 switch receiver, patch cable and MS225 receiver are good by connecting in MDF same floor. the problem coming when I try to connect IDF MS225 which is ground floor and C9300 MDF on second floor.
Is there any other way i can trouble shoot, my cable guy saying he can see light, on both end of the fiber cable, and the device he is using to check fiber cable showing 99% or 98% good.
Is there any compatibly issue or where we are making end connector for Fiber?