Well, my excitement at finally having this feature didn't last long 😞
When creating the role, it appears the only networks you can select are those that have MV's.
I am unable to see networks that have sensors but no MV's
I assume this is a bug and will be addressed, as the feature cannot be used if you don't have MV's in the same network as sensors.
We have sites with sensors that we need to give users access to, but there are no cameras in those networks.
On the site where we have both MT and MV's, I created a role to access sensors only, but was unable to select which sensors as the screen below did not list the sensors to select (i.e. I cannot give the role access to specific sensors only - EG MT11's, not MT10's)

When hovvering the mouse over the "All Sensors" box, it cannot be changed, so how do you select specific sensors/models?
Furthermore, the "Read-only sensor access" does not give the users the "Download" button which is necessary to save IT having to do this for every sensor every month and email to the users.