How are your Network Resolutions going?

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How are your Network Resolutions going?

It has been just over a month since 54 of your told us your network-related goals for the year in our 2019 Network Resolutions Contest. I promised I'd check in to see how you're progressing towards your goals... accountability is helpful, right?


So... @BrechtSchamp, @SGluesing, @NPBN, @DH, @MattHobbins, @KeithBucknall, @Steve_Jennings, @mr-butcher, @kYutobi, @ISE, @amurphy, @Opportun , @rburch, @MacuserJim, @Jonathon, @MMoss, @NolanHerring, @SchwenieDCCC, @jdsilva, @ucfknight89 , @RJordan-CCS, @AStoddard, @Yale , @Jordanw, @bTc, @Josh_Pereira, @Jessica_Justice, @clifford, @Announcer, @kwillacey, @Necaras2k, @RobinsonRoca, @MarcoLisboa, @HenryAgu, @dhatcher, @JMorehouse, @mcwit, @MarcP, @Nash, @floridanativ, @Jacobxerox, @Anonymous, @GlenW70, @Pandian, @charles07, @TMRoberts, @Qing, @Fmeltzer, @jamepowe, @andrew-w, @Ektifan, @Syed, @RPidcock, @ljohnso1: How are those resolutions going? Do tell us!


Even if you didn't enter the contest — feel free to chime in w/ your goals & progress!


- Caroline


Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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16 Replies 16
Here to help

I have 12 of my 27 sites ready for the template.  

Kind of a big deal

  • Make more time for the Meraki community. -> I was one of the 4 members of the month in January. So far so good I guess... 🤓
  • Do something Meraki API related in combination with Google assistant. -> TODO 
  • Try to win an MV somehow. -> Nothing yet. Although I'm seeing things that aren't there (yet). Maybe it's a sign. 🎥
  • Finally find time to go snowboarding again. -> I'm going snowboarding! Planned for the end of March. Oh yeah *big smile* 🏂
  • See all three Matrix movies again. -> Gotta keep some sugar for the rest of the year right... 😎

Oh...oh dear



Nolan Herring |
Building a reputation

Slowly, so slowly. On the positive side we've managed to get two sites completed and managed to make some corrections in our plans we had laid out.

I wasn't around when the original topic was posted however my start to the year has been alot buiser than I wanted and most of that time has been spent on strategic planning, policies and health and safety....


I don't think I have touched a single piece of new hardware this year...

Getting noticed

As said by me:

I will not sell or recommend Meraki MX until following features are implemented by Meraki;

  • Non Meraki peer S2S VPN - NAT Traversal, choose WAN uplink IP,  disable/enable a VPN tunnel
  • Firewall rules - create and select object hosts
  • NAT - source NAT/outbound NAT available

So, as promised, after a helpful reminder, here's my current status:


  • Find the time to finish my Meraki and Cisco training.- Still working on it, but did buy a new online course from Cisco
  • Get the cat repaired (he has a tumor), perhaps sell a kidney to pay for the treatment. - Cat goes in for surgery next week. I still have two kidneys (we'll see after I receive the bill)
  • Take up a sport, something that doesn't require energy. - Thought about taking up a sport (I actually considered taking up fencing!) and since they say sport is 50% mental i'd done half the job; I figured I'd work on the other 50% some other time.
  • Spend less time on the computer.  Because of my first resolution, I think this unlikely.
Here to help

Hmm, let's see...


  • Finish the eternity projects (or terminate them if not possible to finish)
    • I have done away with some of the projects without a deadline, but there are still many to go (but then again, there is still a lot of year left so...)
  • Do the documentation - even if it sucks...
    • Well, I am getting there, but still need more documentation done - and it still sucks...
  • Merakify the last remaining switches in the warehouse 
    • Making good progress on this, just waiting for a proper service window to install the last one.
Kind of a big deal

- doing the CMNO tomorrow <- Passed

- as we have about 300 MR in stock, get them into our retail stores  <- well... at least started in our HQ 😄

- swap the last Cisco routers with Merakis <- O_o

- doing documentation’s <- done more than I thought so far

- get more sleep <- nope

- earn more money  <- nope

Kind of a big deal

  • Visit Meraki HQ: Still hoping
  • Meet the awesome crew: Still hoping
  • Gain more Meraki knowledge: As more time passes
  • Travel to visit more countries: Awaiting
  • Spend more time in Meraki community: Every morning I'm checking in to help.
  • Try to obtain Meraki certifications that arrive: Have CMNO want to know of any newer arriving certs.
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Community Manager



I'm so impressed by your progress since we're just a month and a half in to 2019! (Well, maybe not impressed with Nolan’s progress... ;-P)


It's only fair if I chime in with my own progress - my New Year's resolution was to spend less time mindlessly perusing Instagram / Facebook. I did well for the first couple weeks... and then I stopped paying attention to the ScreenTime "your time is up" timers I set up. Whoops. But I hereby commit to not ignoring them for the rest of February 🙂


- Caroline

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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"But I hereby commit to not ignoring them for the rest of 2019 :-)"


-there, I fixed it for you 😉

Community Manager
Community Manager

@NPBN wrote:



"But I hereby commit to not ignoring them for the rest of 2019 :-)"


-there, I fixed it for you 😉

Hahaaaa, fine, you caught me! 

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
New to the community? Get started here
Getting noticed

So far ... more time in the community is about it .... we are waiting on approvals for the hardware still ..... so nothing else.

T Roberts
A+, Network+, MCP, Dell and CMNO

@TMRoberts wrote:

So far ... more time in the community is about it .... we are waiting on approvals for the hardware still ..... so nothing else.

I’m a fan of more time in the community! 😉 Nice!!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
New to the community? Get started here
Getting noticed

  • Complete my initial Cisco/Meraki Express certifications 
    • 500-551 passed.  Still waiting on Cisco to get it registered to me.
  • Get my Z3C Teleworker set up at home, replacing the tired SonicWALL TZ100 we've had for years
    • Currently running in parallel for testing.  No difference in performance seen but the TZ100 is not doing DPI, we have a great Ubiquiti 802.11ac access point, and no devices yet that support 802.11ac Wave 2 to use the faster capabilities.
  • Use that to justify increasing our home cable connection bandwidth, since the gateway will be able to handle it
    • On hold; Comcast bumped us from ~ 25/4 to ~65/6 on their own without telling us so no current need.
  • Stream ALL THE THINGS!
    • Hah, like I have time while studying for another test...
  • Update the non-Meraki site tunnel to work (different organizations...  work can't have my Z3C!)
    • Tested but since the home wired network is still using the Sonicwall, not permanently transferred.
  • Update Python to current on the home Alphastation DS10  (running OpenVMS) and work's OpenVMS Integrity servers
    • All my VMS work time is once again on hold due to the sheer number of microsoft windows PCs filling their diapers and squalling all over the ticket boards while the VMS boxes, as expected,  Just. Keep. Working.
  • Use said Python to see if I can get the Dashboard API to work via this unlikely, but endlessly awesome platform.
    • On hold, see above
  • If it works, set up our work VMSCluster to do the Meraki monitoring so we're not depending on some silly PC  (monitoring platform should be as or more reliable than the objects being monitored)   (*)
    • On hold, see above


Wish it was better.

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