I recently had the pleasure of attending the invite only "Meraki Masters" training which is held at Cisco Meraki's San Francisco head quarters.
It consists of 4 days of training, involving labs, sessions with managers of many areas and the exec team, and developing the delivering of your Dashboard demo skills.
The environment is just amazing at HQ. Everyone is so upbeat, and the office environment is amazing. And it was great being able to voice my thoughts (which I promise you, I took every opportunity to do so). I also expressed many of the recurring themes that have come up in the forums over the last 6 months - so I hope I gave a voice to everyone that would not normally have one.
I can tell you that a lot of the Meraki team do read the community forums, even if they don't actively participate or respond. So don't be afraid to bring up issues or things you want like to see changed (even if it is not an "official" channel).