Hello everyone. Good news. I am not dead! 😄
After winning the April contest last year things got very busy at work (we built a new branch location in Iowa) and I didn't get a chance to post an update on the MV32-HW I received. (Thanks again @MeredithW ) My plan was to place it in my home workshop (aka the garage) and get some neat video and photos. The main issue with this plan was I didn't have any ethernet pulled to the garage (or anywhere in my house for that matter). So I needed to buy a ethernet to wifi adapter that also had POE. I didn't want to have two devices to plug in (ethernet to wifi and a POE injector) so after much searching I was able to come across an Alarm.com ADC-W110.
Please forgive the crude install as I was just testing to make sure everything was working correctly before cleaning everything up.

So without further ado, I present the top down view of the Pacer Garage.