

hi guys.. new on meraki . i just want to factory reset our Merakiu Mr84. this meraki device is a pull over device on bankrupt internet provider. and they leave this thing to us.. now im planning this to use as our AP on our office.

 everytime i reset this thing.  it still not factory reset. can you plsss give me idea on how to factory reset  and wipe all date here.?

9 Replies 9
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Did you try claim the device serial and a license on the meraki dashboard?


Its probably still claimed  by the isp


the previos provider banish soo we dont have contact to them. i create own meraki cloud. and and saying  "the device in use"

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As will all Meraki devices, you just press the reset button for 10sec.


Even if you factory reset it, it will reach the internet and retrieve it's settings online. Do you have admin access to the dashboard, or have the devices been transferred to your account?




 i dont have admin access. i just try to log in via serial number . but cant go on configuration side

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Do you have Meraki dashboard access and have you tried setting up the MR in the dashboard? To access the dashboard go to As others have said it's probably still under the ISP's account and unfortunately if you don't have dashboard access the device is probably still registered to the ISP account and you will not be able to claim it on your own dashboard. If you are interested in purchasing an MR to use as an access point please reach out to your Cisco reseller and they can help you.

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yes i cant claim the device. its in the ISP because. if i claim the device . its saying  "the device is in use"

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey Jhay,


Unfortunately the factory reset will not do the trick here, as Philip mentioned underneath. 


I'm afraid there's not going to be much you can do if the ISP didn't unclaim the units before giving them away, as these now count as second hand and will be subject to the caveats we documented here:


Warranty is also non-transferable.


Hope this helps to at least provide some clarity!



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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Jhay015,


As others have stated, if the MR is still registered to previous owners on the Meraki dashboard you will not be able to use the device. If you can't reach the previous owner to unregister the device from their dashboard then honestly the only thing you can do is e-waste the unit. Meraki is a fantastic product and my only other suggestion is to reach out to a Cisco reseller and purchase a new MR.

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Here are the factory reset instructoins: 


Note that if it is still in the same Meraki organisation and network, it will simply download the same configuration again.

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