Can't set up device - Checksum Error

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Can't set up device - Checksum Error

Hi all,

I've seen this posted a few times but nobody describes a proper fix. It looks to have been a known issue as far back as 2017.

We have some Honeywell handheld devices. 5/8 have enrolled successfully. However, 3 are all getting the same error.

"Can't set up device  - Couldn't use the admin app due to a checksum error. For help, contact your IT admin"

We're enroling them as admins into the Meraki MDM Systems Manager.

Any actual help or step-by-step fix would be appreciated.

2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @h4dmeraki ,

Have you got any additional information about the devices you're trying to enrol? Such as:

  • Manufacturer(s) and Model Number(s)
  • The version of Android they're running
  • Number of SM Licenses you have remaining
  • How you're enrolling the device, either BYOD or Device Owner
    • A screenshot of the error would be handy

Cheers in advance,


Just browsing

Hi Connor,

  • Honeywell CK65
  • Android 11
  • Current device count: 5. License limit: 8
  • Device owner. 

Enrolling via a QR code post factory rest after tapping the screen six times etc.

As I mentioned, the first 5 have been perfect and picked up all of the settings, just the last 3 all getting the exact same error.


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