We've had a ticket open since November where certain devices will not complete the registration in systems manager. The dashboard for the computer will show "Client synchronization is not yet complete.". We've provided all the logs to support, and it's apparently a known issue with no estimated time to resolution. This makes it difficult for us to manage endpoints. Anybody else experienced this with any workaround? We've tried up to the 4.1.1 version. From reading the logs, my guess is that it can't create the tunnel back to Meraki because of a network card configuration issue, or perhaps specific hardware:
2024-03-26 11:21:55.212509 [2296]: service_main: G::lobal().config.m_tun_hosts has changed: (localhost:14) (re)starting tun_clients
The dashboard will show basic information about the endpoint: serial number, BIOS, Windows version, public IP.
Anybody else seen this?
BHC Resorts IT Department