Hello all,
I am trying to update the L3 Firewall rules of a particular network via API for testing purposes, however whenever I enter the IP address I want in the Source and Destination it gets automatically converted to IP/subnet.
I have tested it with both v0 and v1 using Postman. Attaching the screenshot reference and the JSON data being passed to the API below. Do I need to switch the key from srcCidr to srcAddr and destCidr to destAddr? Any suggestions would be appreciated

"rules": [
"comment": "Default rule",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "Any",
"srcPort": "Any",
"srcCidr": "Any",
"destPort": "Any",
"destCidr": "Any",
"syslogEnabled": false
"comment": "Testing rule",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "Any",
"srcPort": "Any",
"srcCidr": "",
"destPort": "Any",
"destCidr": "",
"syslogEnabled": false