I am getting a lot of 'Previous authentication no longer valid' and 'temporal refusal' association failures. This happens several times an hour and tends to be mobile devices (iphone and android) when connected to a PSK and an OWE SSIDs.
We have two offices separated by 2 floors. Is this related to associations timing out whilst clients move from one office to another?
Unfortunately, I cannot do this due to it being a live network. I do see the same issue with the WAP2 PSK network (albeit a lot lees frequent as most people use the OWE network)
I spoke to the Meraki help desk but unfortunately, I was not given a satisfactory answer. I was just told that this is not to be concerned about.
More importantly though: I have noticed that the issue has been resolved. The issue appeared to be caused by APs that people were walking past but not being used. Therefore the association process was not being completed.