My feature request for a Health View on the Dashboard

A model citizen

My feature request for a Health View on the Dashboard

I want to have a computer connected to a large screen somewhere in our school (IT, Admin) that shows in one screen a live view of the Meraki network. Usage, clients, status of devices. I can get most of these from different places in the current Dashboard, but I want to put them in one screen that I can add/remove widgets as needed.


Attached is a very ugly sample view of what I'm after. Just sharing here FYI. I'm thinkin of "command central" "mission control" type of screen. When myself or admin asks "how's the network?" I'll answer All good... let's go look at the "Meraki Monitor" screen.Screenshot 2021-09-24 094918.jpg

Esteban J Nunez
School and Church
K-12 Education
1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

This sounds like a great project to leverage the API for. There may even be some already created tools you can use or build off. Here is one interesting example: has all the details about the API and sections of already built tools to explore. 

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
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