We've had a couple of questions about how to display your Meraki certifications on LinkedIn. Here's the answer - you can include your CMNA, CMNO, CMNP, or CMSS certification in the Licenses & certifications section on LinkedIn:

To get this set up:
- Make sure your badge is appearing on your community profile. If it's not, there are three likely causes:
- You completed the CMSS exam, but have not yet emailed the community team with your proof of completion. Please email community-help@meraki.net and we will get you sorted out!
- You took the CMNA course very recently. It can take up to 5 business days after completing the course before your badge appears.
- The email address you used for CMNA or CMNO isn’t the same as your community email address. In this case, please email us at community-help@meraki.com and we'll get it sorted out!
- CMNO only: Find your certification number from the certificate we sent you.
- Log in to LinkedIn and go to your profile.
- From the "Add profile section" on the right, select "Recommended" and then click "Add licenses & certifications.":

- Fill in the following information:
- Certification name: CMNO, CMNA, CMNP, CMSS
- Certification authority: Cisco Meraki
- Dates: the month and year you received your certification; you can check the "This credential does not expire" checkbox
- License number: N/A for CMNAs / CMNPs. For CMNO and CMSS, use the number from your certificate (e.g. 004077)
- Certification URL: The URL of your community profile (which shows your badge)
- Save, and confirm that your certification is appearing in the "Licenses & certifications" section of your LinkedIn profile.
Also, if you want your certifications to appear on your public LinkedIn profile, you may need to adjust your privacy settings:
- Go to the "Edit Public Profile & URL" section of your profile:

- Confirm that "Certifications" is set to "Show":
Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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