Recognizing August’s Members of the Month

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Check out August's Members of the Month!


The Rising Star

The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:


  • Joined within the past 3 months
  • Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users


This month’s Rising Star award goes to @Tadpole86, whose engagement has simply blown us away. Since joining less than two weeks ago@Tadpole86 dove right in answering questions and adding insightful input across many boards, amassing 27 posts, 17 kudos, and 3 solutions during that short time!





Thanks for your posts @Tadpole86 and we hope you'll continue to find value from participating in our community!


The Unexpected Win

This award allows us to highlight the actions of a member whose recent contributions created a win for everyone involved.


This month, we’re featuring @vassallon for his post calling out an issue in which profiles were not deleting when a device changed networks. He tagged our SM PM @Noah_Salzman to raise attention to the issue, who was able to work with his team to get a fix in place for the problem. @Kevin_C then updated the post to share the fix and @vassallon confirmed the issue to be resolved!





Thanks @vassallon for using the community to bring attention to an issue and working with the team to help get it resolved. 


The Top Four

Here, we congratulate our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored. This month these amazing members provided the community with a total of 40 solutions and received a total of 336 kudos for their efforts.



119 kudos

22 solutions

MOTM score: 163


76 kudos

10 solutions

MOTM score: 96


69 kudos

8 solutions

MOTM score: 85  


72 kudos

0 solutions

MOTM score: 72

(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)


Congratulations to all of our stellar contributors

 and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in August!


If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for The Unexpected Win, you can submit your nomination here.

Kind of a big deal

As always, well done to everyone.

Kind of a big deal

Well done all.


great work @Tadpole86 and @vassallon 

Head in the Cloud

Well done! Congratulation!

Kind of a big deal

0 solutions, oh darn, I need to up my game xD. Good job all!

Kind of a big deal

Fantastic achievement gentlemen! Special congrats to @Tadpole86 and @vassallon!


@BrechtSchamp: Strictly speaking, your API scavenger hunt is even greater than many solutions! 👍

Kind of a big deal

Well done everyone!!! 

Kind of a big deal

@CptnCrnch but strictly speaking many people would have one extra solution too then.

Kind of a big deal

Well done everyone! Great work.

Here to help


Getting noticed

Really impressed over the Meraki Community and all the contributors! Good job and congratulations to everyone 🙂

Head in the Cloud

Thanks again all for your tireless assistance

Kind of a big deal

Well done everyone and @vassallon big kudo's for your persistance with that bug!

Kind of a big deal

Thank you everyone, as you can expect I haven't been around much with beginning of school starting.