Well, we’ve reached the final leg of our biggest swag contest ever and there is only one week left to qualify. As of our last roundup, just over 100 members have earned enough points to qualify for entry to win one of 86 prizes on the table. Odds are looking good!
If you haven’t qualified, don’t fret! Remember that just 30 points are enough to enter you to win an MV-12. After a quick refresh on the scoring system, you’ll find loads of ways to easily earn those points:
- Reply to any topic or blog post — 5 points
- Start a topic (e.g. ask a question, pose a discussion point) — 5 points
- Receive a kudo — 7 points
- Write an answer that gets marked as a solution — 10 points
So, for 30 points, you could write 6 replies to your peers’ support inquiries. Or, write 4 replies and have 1 of them marked as a solution. OR, you could do nothing and hope your old posts receive 4.28 kudos (possibly a poor strategy).
However you go about earning those points, do it by next Tuesday to be sure you don’t miss out!