It’s time for our July Member spotlight!
For this Member Spotlight, we chose to recognize @rhbirkelund. Since joining way back in 2017, he has written 208 posts, received 138 kudos, and authored 9 solutions. We've really appreciated his contributions across many of our boards, both providing helpful information and asking great questions 🙂
Tell us a little bit about your background.
With a degree in Wireless Communication Systems, and no background in networking, I was lucky to land a job with a major integrator. Now I work as a consultant, designing and implementing new networks, was well as the occasional Incidents that occur. Working mainly with Cisco and Meraki, I venture myself out in to the world of programmability, playing around with different APIs, primarily in Python.
I’m 33 years old out of Denmark, married, two beautiful daughters, 3 and 1 y.o., all of whom are my hobbies. Enjoying life, especially when the kids are asleep.
You’ve been a community member since 2017, but your posting has kicked up a whole lot lately (we’re thrilled!). What’s kept you coming back for so long?
Mainly for my own learning, actually. Due to the down-time during Covid-19 pandemic, instead of directing my time towards accomplishing Netflix, I tried to engage myself in something more educational, like the Meraki Community, among other things.
What are you most excited about for the future of networking?
Network programmability and 5G. With the introduction of APIs we have gotten all new ways of interacting with our networks, and the ability to gather more knowledge on the network health quicker. By defining a template in e.g. XML format, one can deploy many sites with very few clicks using the dashboard API. That is, a task the would seem cumbersome and take very long time to deploy could be done in a matter of hours.
And with 5G, especially network slicing, we can have the opportunity to allocate certain frequency space to certain applications – either short- or long-term.
What’s your advice to folks looking to move to the next level in their Meraki / networking knowledge?
Use the Meraki Community. It's packed with great people who are there to help, and who've been messing around with Meraki for many years.
Thanks, @rhbirkelund! Want to nominate one of your fellow community members for next month's spotlight? Submit your nomination here!