It’s time for our August Member spotlight!
For our fifth Member Spotlight, we chose to recognize @vassallon . Over the past year and a half, he has written 285 posts, received 153 kudos, and contributed 17 solutions.
Congrats Nathan!
Tell us a little bit about your background.
I've been involved with IT for over 25 years now. I started out in college at University of Alaska Fairbanks helping manage user accounts, performed call center support for a major computer manufacturer where I learned about Cisco Networking and moved into system administrator work. My first Meraki experience was 5 years ago when I started working for the school district here where I live. It was quite the shock to go from the windows world to being the MDM guy for a school district and managing 4000+ iPads. As we were looking to move on from the controller based Cisco Wireless environment to a new wireless network it made sense to jump into the Meraki APs to go along with the MDM, we have since added Meraki switches into our environment we are truly a Cisco/Meraki district as we utilize both Cisco and Meraki switches through the schools.
How does the community help you in your day-to-day work?
The community is wonderful resource for any questions I might have. It's nice to have a sounding board of fellow users where I can ask if anyone else is having the same issues that I run into before engaging support. The community also allows me to expand my Meraki knowledge by reading topics that might not pertain to what I do in my day to day job.
What’s your advice to folks looking to move to the next level in their Meraki / networking knowledge?
Anyone looking to improve their Meraki knowledge should check out the Meraki Learning Hub for upcoming training classes. Some other fantastic resources are the Meraki Webinars and Demos and Trials. I myself need to learn more about the Meraki API and how best to utilize it when I make massive changes within the school district.
What would you say to those who haven’t yet gotten involved with the community?
Don't be afraid to jump in and get involved as we don't usually bite. There are a wonderful group of people here that want to help and want you to be successful in utilizing Meraki to the fullest potential.
Thanks, Nathan! Want to nominate one of your fellow community members for next month's spotlight? Submit your nomination here!