@BlakeRichardson we are thinking about starting what I believe will be the world's first Meraki Users Group (MUG for short). If I had thought harder about it I would have tried to have it arranged for the 21st. Never mind.
The celebration will officially begin at a pacific-time-friendly time :). I have a fun announcement scheduled for 8am-ish PT and we are having an office celebration (with the most fantastic cake ever) at 4pm PT. But feel free to have a glass of champagne with your gnome as soon as the clock turns to the 21st in NZ!
I know its early for everyone else but it will be wierd if I have to wait so Happy 1st Birthday Meraki Forums! yes its Tuesday here in NZ! I have my Meraki socks on today and will be having a nice cold drink from my Meraki fridge later in the day!
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