[CONTEST ENDED] Spend some WFH time here on the community, earn points and win prizes!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)



UPDATE: This contest has ended! See who our 80+ winners are here!


While working from home, as many of us are now, online connections to others can be even more valuable than usual. So, we want to infuse a bit of extra encouragement and fun here on the Meraki Community with our third-ever POINTS CONTEST! 


For the next four weeks (today through Friday, April 24th), you’ll earn points just for participating in community discussions. The more points you earn, the more chances you have to win some fantastic swag.


Details below!


How it works


Just like in our previous Points Contests, starting today, certain actions you take in the community will earn you points. Those points will enter you to win a smattering of Meraki-branded prizes. You needn’t opt in — simply taking one of these point-earning actions will do:


  • Reply to any topic or blog post — 5 points
  • Start a topic (e.g. ask a question, pose a discussion point) — 5 points


To optimize the bang for your buck, writing high-quality posts can earn you even more points:


  • Receive a kudo — 7 points
  • Write an answer that gets marked as a solution — 10 points


As you can see, the more helpful your action to the community, the more points you receive!


There are 3 tiers that you can reach based on the number of points you amass. Within each tier, at the end of the month, we’ll randomly select winners to receive swag as outlined below:


    • Tier 1 requires 30 points and will have 50 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever and an “I Cloud Manage” sticker

Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever .                    "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker
  • Tier 2 requires 100 points and will have 25 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever, an “I Cloud Manage” sticker, and a custom Meraki Community mug

    Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever   "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker      Meraki Community mugMeraki Community mug


  • Tier 3 requires 200 points and will have 10 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever, an “I Cloud Manage” sticker, a custom Meraki Community mug, AND a pair of the all-new custom Meraki Community socks

    Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever             "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker             Meraki Community mugMeraki Community mug


    Meraki Community socks (feet not included)Meraki Community socks (feet not included).           Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 9.57.06 AM.png

AND, just like last round, everyone who earns enough points to achieve any tier will be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE of a brand new MV32 HW (with 5-year license)! Reaching Tier 1 gets you 1 entry, Tier 2 doubles your entries and… (guess what!?) Tier 3 triples your entries to win!

That means that, over the course of this month, you could write just 6 replies or author just 3 solutions anywhere in the community and be entered to win one of these:Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 3.49.47 PM.png



How will I know how I’m doing?

To keep you all up to date on your progress, every Monday I’ll post a list of everyone who has reached Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.


When are the winners chosen?

On April 24th at 10 am PDT, the contest will end. We’ll then randomly select winners for each tier (50 for Tier 1, 25 for Tier 2, and 10 for Tier 3) and we’ll also draw the lucky winner of the GRAND PRIZE.


We’ll announce each of the winners here, so be sure to stay tuned!


More details:

  • Promotion period: Tuesday, March 24th, 2030 at 10am PDT through Friday April 24th, 2020 at 9:59am PDT
  • Up to three possible entries per community member: Each time you progress a tier, your entry remains in the tier below as well (meaning more chances to win stuff!). If you are randomly selected to win in two or three separate tiers, you’ll receive only the prize from the highest level tier. If you are selected to receive the Grand Prize, this will be in addition to any tier-level prizes.
  • Shipping limitations: We can only ship prizes to residents of these Eligible Countries 
  • Complete rules and eligibility can be found here

need help on how can we connect the normal Cameras to Meraki Analytics to get the Face recognition on

or can we add 2-3 Cameras to get things moving on

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Hello there.


what “normal” cameras are you planning to use for face recognition? Got to be Meraki at least.

Building a reputation
So nice with this one
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Hello Everybody 🤗


I hope to win a Meraki gift… but in waiting, I drink a coffee at home (home office) in another mug from a game ...


Have a nice day


Building a reputation

Really want to win mug and sock , so i can hangout with Meraki style list 😍

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I'll try to catch up the week i lost. 🙂

Getting noticed

Ok Meraki socks would be very cool!

Building a reputation

Hello All Experts 😊,


Really appreciate to be in one community with all of you .


Have a nice day !!!!! 😍

Building a reputation

Have a nice day everyone in Meraki community 🤗

Building a reputation

Beautiful day everyone 🤗

Not applicable


Comes here often

Thanks a lot @MeredithW , you're making the community closer  day after day regardless the distance between us))))))

Getting noticed

so i get 5 points for replying to this? 😁

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and me too ? 😁

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Well .. The answer button is not on, or I can't find it 😁

I just support the community in my normal fashion and help whereever I can ..

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Thank you for never letting us down @MeredithW.

Getting noticed



WFH is even more tiring. Works non stop....


I love working from home, simply going from one floor to the other one.  What is a good 5 - 10 second podcast for my commute? 

Kind of a big deal

@RTP-Ken the internet wouldn't be the internet if it didn't exist:



This mug would be a nice addition to my collection 😄

Building a reputation

Have a great day everyone 😊


Will Meraki be offering hair clippers or trimmers any time soon?  - asking for a friend 😎

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Out of curiosity, if someone reaches Tier 3, are they still in the drawings for Tier 1 & 2 on the off chance they don't get drawn for Tier 3?


Obviously, you probably wouldn't want to reward 1 person in multiple tiers but if you start the drawing with Tier 3 and remove those winners from Tier 2 & 1 drawings, it does considerably increase the odds of Tier 2 & 3 people of getting a prize.


It's not a big deal & I am sure some Tier 2 & 3 people might not care about the Tier 1 prize - I was just slightly curious about the drawing procedure.


Thanks again for caring enough for your customers & the community as a whole to hold these drawings.

Kind of a big deal

Hi @WWWolf my understanding is that if you've reached Tier 3 you'll be placed in every drawing therefore increasing your odds of winning something in each tier.  The incentive is for people to post and contribute more.

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

@WWWolf, the answer provided by @DarrenOC is correct. Those in Tier 3 have a chance to win the prize from each Tier AND they've got 3 entries to win the MV32. 

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 I need new socks and a MV to record when putting on your socks.

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Would be nice to see how much points you are away from reaching the next tier! 🙂


Building a reputation

@MeredithW @DarrenOC  Well .. The multi-tier win chance ..


Is that fair ?

The prizes in the "heavy" level is already buffed up (The sox, man!! that would KILL the netguys at work), and usualy only dreamstuff for a regular user, which I consider me ..


I get, that people doing a difference helping out should have special attention, since we all depend and appreciate these special kind people ..

I also use any opportunity to show my appreciation and encourage these contributors ! They ARE heroes ..


But from what I gather, these people already have treasures of this kind ? Why not spread the gold a little ? Or maybe increase the load in these intense times ?


Btw. I didn't get an answer for the statistics of merch shipped to countries outside the US ?

Kind of a big deal

hi @Thygesen , I believe its fair.  Effort put in equals rewards.


I've got tons of the stuff so I'll tell you what, if my names drawn (excluding the camera 🙂 ) I'll donate those rewards to you as I'm sensing you're not feeling the love.  I have the sticker, squiggly cloud thingy.  I don't have the cup but I've got some Cisco branded ones.


Best Regards

Building a reputation

You're the best ..


Hey! I have a deal for You then ..


If that should happen, I'll trade You with some local Danish merch, that will peak Your street cred in the networking 'hood !

(or maybe some HC Andersen/Little Mermaid stuff ?)


How about that ? Deal ?


(and btw: I see and respect Your view at contribution = chances, so @MeredithW 's model is of course accepted.. Apparently my coffee didn't kick in soon enough.. )


Kind of a big deal

>Is that fair ?


Sure it is.  The number of prizes and the number of people who win is fixed.  Those who put in greater effort have a chance to win better prizes.


It isn't Lotto.  No one is going to walk away and retire.  It's a fun competition.


>Btw. I didn't get an answer for the statistics of merch shipped to countries outside the US ?


That would be at least 25%.  Looking at the number of All-Stars outside of the US - probably must closer to 50%.  Perhaps higher.

Building a reputation


Yep .. Coffe kicking in now .. It's just fun ..


Reg. the stats, then that sounds fair as well .. I guess the install base placement also reflects the distribution of All-Stars...

Fair enough .. in that respect we ARE rookies here .. 😀

Kind of a big deal

@Thygesen - you've got yourself a deal. My youngest loves Little Mermaid.

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@DarrenOCDeal 😀


Just remember .. this is the real deal .. Not the Disney version ..

Made in Denmark ..




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In case anyone else is interested, I did the math to calculate the odds.  Assuming I counted right, Tier 3 has 33 entries, Tier 2 has 35 (+ 33 from T3 -10 prizes = 58), and Tier 1 has 152 (+ 58 from T2 - 25 prizes  = 185) entries. (# of prizes subtracted from weighted totals to account for winners of higher tier prizes being removed from lower tier drawings.)

With 50 prizes, everyone has about a 27% chance of getting the Tier 1 prize. 

Tier 2 people have about a 43% chance of getting one of the 25 prizes of that tier plus the same odds as the rest for Tier 1. 

Tier 3 people have about a 30.3% of getting that prize plus the odds of the lower tiers.

With 220 total entries, odds of the grand prize are 1:220 (about 0.45%).

NOTE: These are all just rough calculations to give you an idea.  There will likely be some changes to the totals over the next few days.


Good luck everyone.

May the odds be ever in your favor 😉

Building a reputation

Really nice 😊

Getting noticed

just few days left. i've no meraki socks yet. and no MV📹, by the way 😁.

Getting noticed

@WWWolf  that took some calculation thanks for it

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@WWWolf  even if the ODDS were 99% I would lose. That's the kind of luck I have been having these past few months. LOL


That's ok - thanks for doing the Odds calculation.



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@WWWolfThanx for doing the math!


It's much better odds actually than doing sweepstakes or lottery 😀

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Wowwww 😎

Kind of a big deal

Cool thanks for the calc @WWWolf. If my maths are correct then I've got a 71% chance of winning something then!


Fingers crossed. Good luck everyone!

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@BrechtSchamp I forget how to calculate the combined percentages.

You can't just add the percentages because if you have a 50% chance at prize A and a 50% chance at prize B, you still do not have a 100% chance of winning something. (Using simple percentages for easy math & understanding.)

Multiplying doesn't get it either because 50% * 50% = 25% and it doesn't make sense that having a second chance would reduce your chances.

I also thought about adding the 25% to the 50% as 75% kinda makes sense in this scenario but if your odds are 50% and 25% then .5 * .25 = 12.5% + 25% = 37.5%.  Of course, 12.5% + 50% = 62.5% which kinda makes sense but how do you pick which % to add the combined percentage to (Is it always just the larger one)?

Maybe I'm thinking too much into this.  Maybe I need more coffee.  Maybe it really doesn't matter lol


If my assumptions are correct (big IF), based on my previous numbers, Tier 1 has an overall 27.15% chance, Tier 2 has a 54.88%, and Tier 3 has a 67.94% chance of getting a prize from one of the tiers (including the Grand Prize).


Of course, if any of you math geniuses out there can pinpoint errors in my logic or calculations, I do welcome input/corrections. 


P.S. Sorry for yet another long post about math that doesn't really matter much in terms of this forum. Math does tend to keep me up at night from time to time and apparently there are a few here that find some value.

Kind of a big deal

@WWWolf I reversed the logic (and also assumed your calculations are correct).


What are the odds that I don't win anything: (1-0.27)*(1-0.43)*(1-0.3) = 0.29

So the odds that I do win something are the inverse of that: 1-0.29 = 0.71 or 71%


By the same logic, someone in Tier 2 has 58% chance of winning something. Tier 1 just keeps their 27% of course.


All this disregards the grand prize, but I don't think that'll have much influence.


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@BrechtSchamp Good call!


Your math looks more accurate (and simpler) than what I was doing.

I was so wrapped up in trying to calculate odds of winning that I didn't think to calculate the odds of loosing which is just the inverse.


Thanks for putting my mind at ease.


P.S. If anyone cares, without rounding and including the nominal chance for the Grand prize, percentages are; T1 = 27.36%, T2 = 58.67%, T3 = 71.19% (essentially identical to Brecht's #s for all intensive purposes)

Community Manager

I love this procrastination method / boredom-beater @WWWolf and @BrechtSchamp!


These odds of winning items from Meraki are still better than the lottery and and don't have to ghost all my family and friends when I get the cool swag.

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It is the Olympic idea that counts - the most important thing is being part of this funny competition! 🙂

Building a reputation

When will the winners be announced? 😃

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

The winners have been announced! See who they are here!

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WOW - I think I may have won something. Only took 50 + years to become a winner. LOL



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Nooooo! No Meraki socks for me 😞


I demand a recount!

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LOL @TCAM_ERROR  I needed new socks and a Mug for hot coffee too since it was snowing today here in Canada.





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Ok, aquí vamos de nuevo!!!, Here we go Again!!!

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