[CHALLENGE ENDED] Challenge Update: Join the Fold!

Community Manager



UPDATE: this challenge has ended! Check out the winners and congratulate them on their achievement.


With ten days left to go, there’s still time for you to join us in the Folding@home challenge! You’ll not only help researchers to find a cure for cancer, but you’ll also have a chance to win some sweet, sweet prizes. AND we’re thrilled to announce that everyone who participates will now receive one of these cool new badges to showcase your achievement.


Folding at Home Badge Feb23.png


You can check out who is leading the charge (and whom you have to beat 😉) here:

Standings as of 03:00pm ET Tuesday, February 21st*

*based on team rank of those who have entered the challenge


If you missed the first announcement and are wondering, “What the heck is Folding@home?” you can get the full scoop including details on how to enter the Folding@home challenge in a past post. Remember to share your username in a comment on that post to be counted!


1 Comment
Kind of a big deal