Community Platform Update: Reducing space within content

Community Manager

A small adjustment to announce!


Our April 1 launch (Read more:And we're live! New community look & feel is here! ) made many great changes, but one change that wasn't so great was that additional space was added above paragraphs and headings within posts. This has caused our older content to look awfully spaced out:


Too much space!Too much space!


We have just launched a small change to remove this extra space (removing margin-top:16px from paragraphs within content and within the editor window):


Less space!Less space!


One DRAWBACK of the change: Content created since our launch (between April 1, 2024 and May 7, 2024) may look too smushed. If you find content that looks particularly funny, please comment here or PM me, and I can adjust it. We figured it's better to have a month's worth of content that looks a bit smushed vs 6 years of pre-redesign content looking awkwardly spaced out.

