Hello all, I am exploring the deployment of a Meraki MG52E and a Cisco Wireless Wi-Fi 7 AP in what I am dubbing back-to-back mode. The MG52E would connect to the cellular network to obtain a public IP address and would act as a DHCP server for the CW9178 WAP. Both MG52E LAN ports would connect to a 4 port POE adapter to provide 5Gbps of throughput (2.5mGig +2.5mGig). Both the MG52 and the CW9178 Wi-Fi 7 AP would be dual Ethernet connected to the POE adapter to support Ethernet Link aggregation. Any thoughts on what additional specifications would be needed to make a solution like this work (aside from the custom cabling)? POE device recommendations welcome. I plan to deploy this solution in a mobile outdoor environment.
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