I found it also requires approval from your account manager for whatever reason which I do not agree with, it should be up to the customer to decide which licensing model works best for them. Remove the bureaucracy around this please.
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UPDATE: this contest has ended. We really enjoyed reading everyone's innovative ways to save the planet, so thanks for all of your submissions! Our randomly selected winners are: @peterk, @ROCTEL, and @Dieghitoo77. Congrats!
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Usually if your DHCP works correctly and all necessary ports are open it can still happen that a new device has issues getting it's newest firmware and not fully connecting to the dashboard. After a factory default it usually fixes the problem. Do make sure you have nothing blocking dashboard traffic. Check help->firewall
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@npnitin that isn't great from a security point of view IoT devices are notoriously (insert favourite expletive) in terms of updates and general security so I'd look to change to a different setup where you use VLANs and can secure IoT devices off from the rest of the network.
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