Hello there, I am reading up for the ECMS Certification. The linked article https://documentation.meraki.com/MR/MR_Splash_Page/Splash_Page_Details_for_Meraki_MR has the following note after describing the considerations of the click through splash page. Note: The AP looks for HTTP GET requests on TCP port 80 in order to redirect users to the Splash page. If Block all access until sign-on is complete is enabled for the Captive Portal Strength, and the user attempts to access a web page that uses HTTPS, the AP will be unable to redirect the browser to the Splash page because the web traffic is encrypted. Additionally, if the user attempts the access a web page that uses a different port other than TCP port 80 the connection will also be blocked. In either case, the user's browser will timeout. If this is occurring, verify users are accessing a web page using HTTP over TCP port 80. I wanted to ask if the limitation of only detecting a HTTP request on port 80 is still the case. Is it really not possible to redirect HTTPS requests to the splash page? Article is listed as being updated on Aug 7th 2024.
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