Catching up on testing after covid, this post has been edited as I went along... The old/new details arrays can differ in size, either can be zero, I've not seen either >2 The only time I see size >1 is where the first element just says it's an alert, and the second says what the alert is/was. As the call is GA now, probably too late, but if it were me I'd have simplified and put the alert description in the value rather than have detail arrays. Or are there other instances where array will be >1 ? total elements timestamp modell old name old value new name new value 4 2023-07-19T21:17:25.795000Z MS350-48LP status alerting status alerting 4 2023-07-19T21:17:25.795000Z MS350-48LP alert DHCP failure on management VLAN alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 4 2023-07-19T21:17:25.779999Z MS350-48LP status alerting status alerting 4 2023-07-19T21:17:25.779999Z MS350-48LP alert DHCP failure on management VLAN alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 3 2023-07-19T23:59:07.091000Z MS350-48LP status online status alerting 3 2023-07-19T23:59:07.091000Z MS350-48LP alert DHCP failure on management VLAN 3 2023-07-19T23:59:07.036999Z MS350-48LP status online status alerting 3 2023-07-19T23:59:07.036999Z MS350-48LP alert DHCP failure on management VLAN 3 2023-07-19T21:19:29.835000Z MS350-48LP status alerting status online 3 2023-07-19T21:19:29.835000Z MS350-48LP alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 3 2023-07-19T21:19:29.818000Z MS350-48LP status alerting status online 3 2023-07-19T21:19:29.818000Z MS350-48LP alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 3 2023-07-19T21:18:30.970999Z MX67 status alerting status online 3 2023-07-19T21:18:30.970999Z MX67 alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 3 2023-07-19T21:18:15.997999Z MX67 status offline status alerting 3 2023-07-19T21:18:15.997999Z MX67 alert Disabled gateway (bad DNS) 3 2023-07-19T21:17:25.653000Z MS350-48LP status alerting status online 3 2023-07-19T21:17:25.653000Z MS350-48LP alert DHCP failure on management VLAN
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