Because I am facing some limitations (ie : 429 http rc) with the automatic use of Meraki's API,
I would like to improve my software by changing the design.
In few words, today I am using several endpoints with network_id as parameter.
For example :
- /api/v1/networks/{networkId}/appliance/warmSpare
- /api/v1/networks/{networkId}/topology/linkLayer
- /api/v1/networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans
- /api/v1/networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkBandwidth
- /api/v1/networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/settings
Some of my clients have more than 600 network_ids.
These means that I generate more than 3000 requests if I want the infos up-to-date for this client.
Does it exist a feature such as "subscription to event : change on this network_id" ?
With this event, I will be informed that I have to request this network_id and so I will hugely decrease my sollicitation to the API because I will request only this network_id.
Many thanks in advance for a response