Hi All, I'm wondering why there's so much inconsistency with the APIs that return a device: org/device/statues: { "name": "Meraki_MX65", "serial": "xxxxxxx", "mac": "", "publicIp": "", "networkId": "", "status": "online", "lastReportedAt": "2024-02-23T19:01:18.054000Z", "productType": "appliance", "components": { "powerSupplies": [] }, "model": "MX65", "tags": [], "usingCellularFailover": false, "wan1Ip": "", "wan1Gateway": "", "wan1IpType": "dhcp", "wan1PrimaryDns": "", "wan1SecondaryDns": "", "wan2Ip": null }, org/devices: { "name": "Meraki_MX65", "serial": "xxxxx", "mac": "", "networkId": "", "productType": "appliance", "model": "MX65", "address": "", "lat": 37.3644, "lng": -121.91518, "notes": "", "tags": [], "wan1Ip": "", "wan2Ip": null, "configurationUpdatedAt": "2024-01-02T12:20:08Z", "firmware": "wired-18-1-07", "url": "https://n27.meraki.com/lab-net-firewall/n/1puaKcB/manage/nodes/new_list/247165638139553", "details": [] }, network/devices: { "lat": 37.3644, "lng": -121.91518, "address": "", "serial": "xxxxxxxx", "mac": "", "wan1Ip": "", "wan2Ip": null, "url": "https://n27.meraki.com/lab-net-firewall/n/1puaKcB/manage/nodes/new_list/247165638139553", "networkId": "", "tags": [], "name": "Meraki_MX65", "details": [], "model": "MX65", "firmware": "wired-18-1-07", "floorPlanId": null } If I wanted to filter using Network ID and get all the devices under that network, you'll notice there's a bunch of attributes missing from the other two APIs (using Org Id). Is there a reason why all the JSON output is so different? Thanks in advance, -Jerome
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