1. Considering the following API, organizations/:organizationId/devices/statuses?serials[]=ABCD-1234-EFGH, I would like to know: a. Is there a way to get a “leaner” response using query params (or using another method)? For instance, is it possible to get this minimal response: { "name": "switch-name", "serial": "ABCD-1234-EFGH", "mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66", "publicIp": "", "networkId": "L_12345", "status": "online", "lastReportedAt": "2023-02-20T09:29:43.459000Z", "productType": "switch", "model": "MS250-48FP", "lanIp": "", "gateway": "" } What do you mean by "leaner response"? Using the query params, you simply filter out all the device statuses according to what you're interested in. When using that endpoint to you get device status of all devices in your organization, which network they're added to, whether it's online, offline or dormant, LAN ip etc. The query params will simply filter devices in your REST query. 2. What does the “serial” attribute mean in the context of switches and devices? Is it a GUID generated by the dashboard or is it deterministic for every device, i.e., when disconnected and reconnected to the system, will it receive the same serial ID? The serial attribute, is simply the device serial number. This does not change, and will always be the same. It is unique for all devices. The only examption could be the vMX. 3. What device models are supported by the dashboard? Only Cisco/Cisco Meraki models? If not, please direct me to a proper list. Mainly Cisco Meraki devices are supported. There are a select few Cisco Classic devices which may be added to the Meraki Dashboard either in Managed or Monitored mode, but this is currently in a beta stage. You may reference the Meraki Dashboard API here.
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