In addition to what @DarrenOC mentions, I'd proabably make sure to build the new network in Meraki beforehand, and ensure that all configuration from Extreme is migrated over. Connect a few APs for a PoC make make sure it's verified by the customer.
You could also consider planning the migration, such that you identify frequent roaming areas, such that in the event you do not finish the migration on day 1, clients won't neccesarily be roaming between two networks as much. You can't avoid it, but might be able to minimize it.
A few days before the migration I'd then look into priming all the APs first, having the connect to the Meraki Dashboard, and ensure they get their latest configuration, as well as software upgraded. Also, if there's any labelling and AP naming, this can be done as well.
When the day of migration then comes, you should be good to go, with as little downtime as possible.
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