Hello @DarrenOC So the issue turned out to be a CSCswbug 18530. The workaround we used is below, since adding the fix we haven't had any other disconnection.
Aug 30 14:06:28.620: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22, changed state to upAug 30 15:14:54.218: %ILPOWER-3-CONTROLLER_PORT_ERR: Controller port error, Interface Gi1/0/22: Power Controller reports power Imax error detectedAug 30 15:14:55.658: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22, changed state to downAug 30 15:14:56.661: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22, changed state to down
Regarding to the show tech of switch2, the information was incomplete. However, we think that this device is showing similar logs related to the Gig1/0/14 interface.
According to these logs, these devices could be affected by CSCsw18530 bug. In the following link you can find more details:
In this case, the following are the suggested workarounds to try to solve this issue. If the first workaround doesn’t work, please continue with the next one and so on:
- To use a longer cable (>50ft) between devices seems to fix the issue in most cases.
- Apply the following commands in the Gig1/0/22 – SW3 and Gig1/0/14 – SW2 interfaces:
#conf term
(config)#int x/y/z
(config-if)#power inline port 2x-mode
(config-if)#no shut
- Configure static power these interfaces (Gig1/0/22 and Gig1/0/14):
#conf t
(config)#interface x/y/z
(config-if)#power inline static max 30000
(config-if)#no shut