Hi All,
i have some users on one of my company sites that are complaining a lot about the WiFi network. I have noticed on 1 of the floors that a specific access point is report extremely high latency, however in client health the DB signal is above the 32 DB. Wich according to Meraki documentation the signal should above 25 DB for applications that use Voice and thus, i conclude that a 32 DB is not excellent but good, which i understand its ok. This users complain about poor video calls, and since the dashboard reports a good signal reception the only thing that came into my mind is that there might be interference. I have run a couple of spectrum analisys and i wonder how can i actually detect the precense of interference.
On these sample i do think that there might be interference on ch 140 since i only have 1 AP on that channel and it looks like there is non stoping transmition on that channel. however on channel 36 i can observe some gaps between the horizontal lines and there is no interference on this channel, right?
On these other sample i see some vertical lines on ch 112, 64, 48 which i do not understand what they could possibly mean. Could some one help me to understand it?

Both access point are on the 20 channel width and i dont understand is why on the first sample i see less channels than on the second.