Rogue AP on Location Heat Map

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Rogue AP on Location Heat Map

It says:

"Air Marshal information such as the location of rogue and other SSIDs on the LAN is more accurately depicted."


On the doc:


But i do not see rogue location in heat map. Is this a supported feature?

1 Accepted Solution
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Kind of a big deal

@FlyingFrames I think it means switchport location rather than physical location.  I have never seen a rogue AP shown on a location or heat map.

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Kind of a big deal

@FlyingFrames : 

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Thanks for the link but it does not clarify if it puts the rogue location on the heat map!

It does tell at what RSSI each AP sees the rogue but i am looking for a physical location via triangulation.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@FlyingFrames I think it means switchport location rather than physical location.  I have never seen a rogue AP shown on a location or heat map.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

As @cmr said, I've also never seen a rogue AP triangulated on a heat map. I don't think this feature exists.

Head in the Cloud

I don´t think so. I never saw this on my heat maps.

But you can send an feedback with an wish for that. Sometimes they do it...

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