Global Meraki Cloud Auth Issues?

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Global Meraki Cloud Auth Issues?

Anyone else still experiencing issues with Meraki Cloud Authentication?


Yesterday afternoon we had started seeing multiple users failing authentication on different WAPs, SSIDs and networks.  I can't find any public announcement from Meraki, but there's indication from Reddit that we're not the only ones.


Meraki support states that they're still investigating my case.


Numerous authentication failures in the Access Point Connection Logs:

The EAP code seems to vary.


Client failed 802.1X authentication to the RADIUS server.

type='802.1X auth fail' num_eap='0' associated='false' radio='1' vap='3'


Numerous authentication failures in the Client History Logs, two primary types:


Failed connection to SSID NAME on WAP during authentication. Reason: reserved.
Failed connection SSID NAME on WAP during authentication because the server rejected the auth request.


7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal

@SubOpt_Routing : I would say please contact Meraki Support team. 

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
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I have.  They stated that they are investigating.


My question is:


Has there been, or is there now, a widespread issue with cloud authentication?  If so, when are we going to see an announcement from Meraki about what happened and why?

Kind of a big deal

@SubOpt_Routing : It was there a week ago with multiple outage across the globe and later it is resolved. Follow this post to get to know


But now this is something specific to your environment so suggested you to open a support ticket. 

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
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Are you speaking formally on behalf of Meraki support when you state that the issue is specific to us?

Kind of a big deal

@SubOpt_Routing : No, I am not speaking on behalf of Meraki, it just trigger last week and now the issue has been resolved by applying fix by Meraki (confirmed by them) in above URL which i was mentioned earlier. May be something triggered in your environment which cause that issue, so recommended to open a Meraki support call.


Not sure if anyone else face the similar issue now but not faced by me at this point of time !


Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
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Thank you.

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We had the same problem with  Meraki Enterprise Cloud Authentication today in all our global networks, in Europe, Asia and Africa. The issue was resolved after 6-7 hours, but Meraki Support could not find any problem on their side. 


Client made an 802.1X authentication request to the RADIUS server, but it did not respond.auth_mode='wpa2-802.1x' radius_proto='ipv6' radius_ip='xxxxx' reason='radius_timeout' radio='1' vap='0' channel='108' rssi='65'

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