Uplink SFP

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Uplink SFP



I have a site that is migrating their present Catalyst 3750 switches to MS225 and 250, my question is. Can they reuse their present SFP's?



1 Accepted Solution
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7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal

Share the SFP models. Yes it will support for sure 

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021 https://www.thenetworkdna.com/
Getting noticed

sorry that's the module

Getting noticed

Kind of a big deal

@Eddie01 : yes GLC-SX-MMD is supported in Meraki. Go ahead 


Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021 https://www.thenetworkdna.com/
Getting noticed


Kind of a big deal

@Eddie01 just to caveat what @Inderdeep a has stated. Yes, those SFP modules should work. However, they are not actually supported. What this means is that if you log a support request and support believe the issue may be the SFP module they may refuse to assist until you have a supported SFP module in the switch (admittedly this is rare, but I have heard of it occurring). This is the same support that applies to any third party SFP, and yes I agree there is a certain craziness in Cisco SFPs not being officially supported in Meraki devices, but that’s what it is.


You can check the officially supported modules here https://tmgmatrix.cisco.com/ or here https://meraki.cisco.com/lib/pdf/meraki_datasheet_sfp.pdf and the support policy provided here, https://documentation.meraki.com/MS/Other_Topics/MS_Switch_SFP_and_SFP__Overview 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Also note that if they are 3750's, they are probably 15 years old.  Do you really want to re-use 15-year-old IT kit in a new solution?


Bin them.

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