I have a network that's been up for almost 10 years and going from the old CAT 3560s and 4507s to MS225s. SHould I just leave the voice settings as-is on the Meraki's and they are smart enough with all the que'ng? Here is a typical configuration for a phone on an old CAT switch:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
switchport access vlan 71
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
switchport voice vlan 72
srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
queue-set 2
priority-queue out
mls qos trust device cisco-phone
mls qos trust cos
auto qos voip cisco-phone
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree guard root
service-policy input AutoQoS-Police-CiscoPhone