Hi all,
We have 2 x MS425 running in stack mode with latest stable version 9.32. A cisco switch (we have reproduced this issue with different switches) with a port-channel running LACP against the Meraki stack, 1 link per stack member. When powering off one of the stack members (the one with the active ports against the MX firewall), it also affect the other switch, bringing the whole port-channel down. Have you faced any similar issues?
for this test, the design was as follows:
laptop running ping to gateway and internet -----> Cisco 2960 with port-channel -----> Meraki Stack -----> Meraki MX working in Active/Spare mode ------> Internet.
each meraki switch has a connecting to the active and spare firewall (crossed links), no direct link between MX firewall. the 2960 port channel has 1 link to each meraki stacked switch.