Access-policy - Can you return a "Filter-id" (Group policy name) on access-reject + guest ?

Head in the Cloud

Access-policy - Can you return a "Filter-id" (Group policy name) on access-reject + guest ?

Behind the subject is the thought: If I return a group policy (filter-id) in the access-reject message from my radius server will the switch honor this, and apply the GP to the client ?


The thought is to apply a GP, with additional ACLs, to clients being placed in the guest network for an access-policy.






5 Replies 5
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Reject or accept? On accept yes it can apply a GP by using filter-ID

Ryan / Meraki Solutions Engineer

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Head in the Cloud

So the answer is no. It can only apply GP on accept.

It does not make any sense but ok.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

If an access-reject is sent, the switch won't permit access, so I'm not sure how applying a group policy would help?

Well the though was that when you utilize Guest VLAN, then the client would be put into that VLAN on an access-reject. And I would just like to return some more config to that Guest access.

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