I know this topic has been discussed before, but in my opion this topic deserves to be brought up again and somewhat as a priority for review.
You see the delay in the live feed, which can be up to almost 20 seconds in some cases, to put simply is just unacceptable, and almost always adds a big red flag during the sales cycle (assuming you have been upfront about this delay before purchase).
How can Cisco Meraki not prioritise this when a 20 seconds delay could mean the difference between life critical events, as an example let's assume we have cameras setup in a hospital environment and an armed gunman enters and starts shooting up, the live feeds on the wall view would delay the response rate. Or what if someone was violent trying to enter a premises and watching a live view would help determine where they are or direction of travel.
It is also worth noting the live timestamp is incorrect. Should you be watching live stream from local connection is will show the current time date, but the actual video being presented is not the same as the timestamp, impact on legality would surely be an issue here.
So my question is, has anyone else had similar concerns or feedback from customers or potential customers with this problem? I understand from the cloud perspective there could be small delay, but not local stream, that makes no sense considering the protocols available these days, eg HTML5.