New Spot Leak Detection Cradle for MT12!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

New Spot Leak Detection Cradle for MT12!

The brand new spot leak detection cradle for MT12 (MA-CBL-LEAK-2) is officially available for sale. The spot leak detection cradle is an alternative to the 8 ft (2.4 m) leak detection cable for MT12, offering customers greater flexibility with their leak detection deployments. The compact form factor of this new accessory is optimized to detect water leaks underneath valves, pipe connectors, and other problematic areas. 


To learn more, check out the new accessory page on the Meraki website or the updated MT12 datasheet


Spot leak FCS annoucement banner_IT version.jpg

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

@David-H : Thanks for the update !

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
A model citizen

 How does the cradle work? It's not clear from the photos. You set it on the floor and put the MT12 on top of it? And/or can someone explain the photo?

Esteban J Nunez
School and Church
K-12 Education
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@EJN The cradle itself separates into two halves, and the MT12 sensor is placed in the middle. When you open it, you'll see a mating 3.5mm connector to attach the integrated leak detection cable to the MT12 sensor as shown in the image below. Any water that is dripped directly on top of the MT12 will eventually run down to the cable and detect the leak. The cable also forces the housing to sit slightly above the surface, so the accessory can also detect water that comes in from the side. 

 DSC01152_MTAccess_openwithMT_shadow (1).png

Just browsing

Hello David,


Thank you for the info about MA-CBL-LEAK-2. Can we assume that the entirety of the braided dark gray and white cable is a sensor?


I’m trying to understand MA-CBL-LEAK-1, with the same braided dark gray and white cable. If I lay out 6’ of the MA-CBL-LEAK-1 cable on a flat surface, with multiple potential water leak points above, is the entirety of the 6’ length the sensor, giving me full coverage for the 6’ ?


Thank you. 

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