MT10 Sensor Access Only


MT10 Sensor Access Only

Is it possible to only give an individual the capability to only view and monitor MT10 Sensors in their environment.  We would need them to not be able to view anything outside of the sensor information in the Meraki Cloud

1 Accepted Solution
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

So sensors require to be put in the same network as the gateway which would be either MR or MV.  As of right now, we do not have a way to do finite admin permissions for Sensors only like we do for Cameras.  This is something we have been working on for awhile but because fo the administration hierarchy in Dashboard, it is extremely challenging to strip this down.  Your options today would be to give the user READ-ONLY Network access or put the Sensors and the gateways in a different network with READ-ONLY Network access.  Wish I could provide a time table for Sensor based Admin privileges but at this time we do not have one yet.

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19 Replies 19
Kind of a big deal

You can give access to the specific network.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Thank you for the quick response...


So that means they would be able to view all devices on that network.   More than just the sensors.  Would that be correct?

Kind of a big deal

Yes, It's correct.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Put the sensors into a seperate network.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

So sensors require to be put in the same network as the gateway which would be either MR or MV.  As of right now, we do not have a way to do finite admin permissions for Sensors only like we do for Cameras.  This is something we have been working on for awhile but because fo the administration hierarchy in Dashboard, it is extremely challenging to strip this down.  Your options today would be to give the user READ-ONLY Network access or put the Sensors and the gateways in a different network with READ-ONLY Network access.  Wish I could provide a time table for Sensor based Admin privileges but at this time we do not have one yet.

Head in the Cloud

@Larry_Woods Is there any timeframe for giving users access to MT's (with the download ability) without having to put the MV/MR they are connected to into a different network?

We have requirements for MT's but if we cannot give users access to view and download the readings and there is no timescale to provide user access to these, then I will have no option but to go elsewhere.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

That hasn't really come up because the MT requires a 'gateway' to get back to the dashboard for communications.  There are no IP stacks built into MT so it uses it's encrypted connecttion to the gateway and then the gateway handles all connectivity to the dashboard.  I would recommend buying a less expensive access point (disabling all SSID radios and JUST have it be for the MT) or use less expensive cameras to handle this if you really only require MT to be accessible for readings at this point.  Will pass this use cas along because thinking outside of the box as to other ways for MT to connect probably isn't just beneficial to you.  MT only admins are in the works but we are still working out the details before we can announce a launch for something like this.

Head in the Cloud

Thanks Larry. What we really need is a 'read-only' mode but with the ability to download the readings - at present that button does not appear when logged in as a user with read-only rights.

The way to look at it is that these MT11 sensors are there to to alert when temperature thresholds in freezers in a Laboratory containing bio samples go out of the thresholds defined and the users in the Lab need to be able to see the current and historic reading and be able to download the readings for auditing purposes as part of their accreditation.  Once installed and configured, its not really of interest to Meraki admins, its the users that need the access to view and download.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Will pass this on to the product team for sure.  Thanks for the feedback.  

Head in the Cloud

Wow, it looks like Meraki have implemented access to sensors for non-IT staff - MT Sensor-Only Admin - The Meraki Community

I will be testing this as soon as its made available, will be an absolute god-send if it all works 🙂

@DavidWorley Do you know when this will be available in the dashboard, I just checked and its not available in mine yet.


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hello @Dunky. It should be available today. Not sure of the exact time it will hit. 

Head in the Cloud

Thanks David, this is fantastic news for us!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

We have recently updated our permissions to allow you to create sensor-only admins. 

Please view documentation here:

Head in the Cloud

Well, my excitement at finally having this feature didn't last long 😞

When creating the role, it appears the only networks you can select are those that have MV's.

I am unable to see networks that have sensors but no MV's

I assume this is a bug and will be addressed, as the feature cannot be used if you don't have MV's in the same network as sensors.

We have sites with sensors that we need to give users access to, but there are no cameras in those networks.


On the site where we have both MT and MV's, I created a role to access sensors only, but was unable to select which sensors as the screen below did not list the sensors to select (i.e. I cannot give the role access to specific sensors only - EG MT11's, not MT10's)


When hovvering the mouse over the "All Sensors" box, it cannot be changed, so how do you select specific sensors/models?


Furthermore, the "Read-only sensor access" does not give the users the "Download" button which is necessary to save IT having to do this for every sensor every month and email to the users.



Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Dunky. Please reach out to Han Liu (PM) if you need further assistance. Han is great and would love to help. His email is

Head in the Cloud

I can see the ability to grant access to sensors in networks that do not have MV's is now available 🙂

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Thank you for sharing the feedback. We were able to jump on the issue thanks to your report.

Head in the Cloud

I must say that was a very very pleasant surprise when I logged on this morning, its really good to know that this forum is taken notice of.  I have reached out to Han as David recommended on the other issues around being able to specify which sensors (defaults to ALL), and the visibility of the 'Download' button.

Thanks again!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Link is broken and requires ')' at the end of it Han

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