Thanks for the reply. Interesting thought on Thousand eyes trial. I think you are right, though, the issue is somewhere else. I went down to the spoke location on Friday and turned on the MPLS connection. Guess what? I get the exact same SMB file copy speeds as I was getting over the SD-Wan connection (!). This is really blowing my mind...The Windows servers are running on Very powerful blade severs with 32GB RAM 8 core 2 socket Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4215R CPU @ 3.20GHz 10GB ethernet connection plugged in to a 40GB MS425 which has a network health score of 100%.
What blows my mind even more is that file copy speeds etc. are all normal/as expected on the LAN. it is only when the traffic is going to the spoke that it seems to be a problem (now via either SD-Wan or MPLS). I remember reading years ago a story about there being a network issue at exactly 500> miles from the server. Wonder if this is something similar (though doesn't seem like it should be if other protocols don't seem to be affected). Also, that is a good point about iperf; hints that it isn't just SMB; but I have tried sftp etc and got normal speeds...
I remember seeing the Thousand Eyes trial in the interface but I don't see it anymore. Does it require installing clients on all of the machines do you know?
Thanks again for the response.