Unable to connect to Meraki VPN

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Unable to connect to Meraki VPN

Hi Team,


I am facing an issue where I am unable to connect to Meraki VPN. Secondly my appliance dashboard shows ip from private ip range i.e 192.168.x.x although I have asked service provider for static IP which it shows on left side under WAN. When I try to apply static IP which service provider has provided, Meraki shows bad ip assignment. Request your support.

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It sounds like the MX is behind another firewall, if thats the case you will need to enable port forwarding on the upstream device to allow VPN traffic to flow to the MX.

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Hi BlakeRichardson,


Can you pls guide on how I can achieve that so that I am able to connect via VPN on Meraki firewall.

Getting noticed

Hi t4alha,

Every device is different.  You will have to check the documentation for the device that your ISP gave you.  For example on my backup internet connection I am using one of those Verizon wireless gateway devices that give private IPs.  I had to go to the Port Forwarding tab and forward Port 443 to the external IP of the Meraki MX.  


I am using the AnyConnect client for VPN access which is why I use 443.  If you are using the built in Windows client, I think it is 1701 or 1723.


Anyway, you are going to have to work with your ISP who gave you the device to figure out how to forward the ports needed.

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