My MX64's randomly loses the ability to connect to Multiple VPN registries using UDP port 9350. I'm on a CenturyLink ADSL connection w/ PPPoE. The modem is set to pass through but somehow my MX64 is unable to receive UDP packets from Meraki but it's sending them. To fix this I have to reboot my MX64.
PS... Even turning VPN off-and-on again doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure this is an ISP issue but I want to make sure everything on my end is covered. I want to upgrade the firmware but with all the choices from 13.1 onwards, I don't know which FW version is stable. Any recommendations?
I'm currently using firmware in the 14.X range on MXen without any problems. I'm not sure what the highest firmware available is to your network(s), but I wouldn't be afraid to try some of the very recent versions if you have them available.
Have you tried to set the ip and port on the MX for the VPN? Does rebooting the DSL router work as well? It really seems like DSL router problem. Have dozens of VPNs running for years, without any problem.
I've had this issue before with an ISP that ran client connects through a state-full firewall. It would time the connections out making them fail. Resetting the Internet connection made it work again for a while. We had to move that client to a different ISP.
In your case, are you sure your CenturyLink device has the latest firmware?
Our organization has about 1500 retail locations and several of them were having similar issues. We updated to 14.7 for a while, and it resolved about half of the stores' problems. We just updated to 14.11 this last week (which is the newest beta available) and it has been pretty solid.
We generally try to stay away from the bleeding edge betas since we have so many stores that it impacts, however 14.11 has been really solid for us so far, across several versions of MX's across our retail locations.
It is not available through the dashboard for self service yet, but if you call support they can push it out for you.
wow, thank you very much, I will consider 14.11. Question by any chance do you use Century Link ADSL with PPPoE?
We do, yes. Unfortunately it's usually our Tier 1 support that deals with the problems, so I'm not super familiar with the specifics on how it's used, but we have some of everything across our stores. I rolled out the newer firmware and it resolved a lot of weird issues we had with ISPs, including Century Link lines, with PPPoE
Thank you very much, I will try version 14.11 and report back. Cheers!
Did have some problems with firmware 14.11 and VPN's that stopped working. Downgrading to an older beta firmware fixed that again.