Meraki PO number

Getting noticed

Meraki PO number

Hi, we have one case which is  a free trail. In order to register the devices in dashboard inventory, which following number shall put?

1. Purchase order number : "Free trial xxxxxxx "

2. reference number/invoice number: yyyyyyy


anyone, please advise, thanks.


1 Accepted Solution
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

If you received a free trial email, there will be a URL in that email that typically has a "4Exxxxxxx" in it.  It would be something like and you should be able to claim that 4E number.  And you can typically click the link in that email to see the trial info, what was sent, your shipping info, and a clickable button to create a network with the equipment that was sent.  Once that's done, you should see an "Active Trials" section of the page when you go to Organization > License Info.  If still having trouble, PM me and I'll look up your trial some other way.


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6 Replies 6
A model citizen



Use Meraki sales order (SO) number which starts with 5S and has 9 characters which are mostly figures.

Kind of a big deal

The first one. The order number.

Kind of a big deal

Order number also includes the license with it, so if you add for example a device serial number, it won't auto add the license (at least in my experience).
Nolan Herring |
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

If you received a free trial email, there will be a URL in that email that typically has a "4Exxxxxxx" in it.  It would be something like and you should be able to claim that 4E number.  And you can typically click the link in that email to see the trial info, what was sent, your shipping info, and a clickable button to create a network with the equipment that was sent.  Once that's done, you should see an "Active Trials" section of the page when you go to Organization > License Info.  If still having trouble, PM me and I'll look up your trial some other way.


Getting noticed

Thanks for your kind advice. There is a number "4Exxxxxx"  in shipment info, but it is called invoice number and reference number. Can use this number ?


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Correct, that number should work to claim the trial and then you should see it on the Organization > License Info page in the "Active Trials" section.  Worst case, give Meraki Support a ring to make sure the trial equipment & license is properly claimed into your Org.

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